-----------------------------Empowering Seniors with New Technology---------------------------
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Which is Better, Windows 8 or Windows on iPad??
Which is better? Windows on tablet? Or Tablet on Windows?
Or Worse?
Both came out this week. Onlive Windows for iPad. Tablet on Windows 8---customer preview. Convergence?
Onlive runs Word, PowerPoint, Excel spreadsheet, and, for $5 a month, Internet Explorer.
Windows 8 brings a smartphone or tablet desktop full of app icons, to Windows.
There is really no choice. Onlive. Onlive brings superfast browsing to iPad. I mean incredibly fast. It does it by letting supercomputers on the other end do the work and just send you the screen picture.
Windows 8 just adds icons to Windows for apps which scarcely exist yet.
Generally, the idea with Windows is to add ever more capabilities. But what seniors need is ever simpler capacilities, the reverse. The smartphone and tablet, especially, do that.
Windows on iPad, though, frees us of viruses and the potential of loss of files when a PC goes down. And avoids security exposures in Internet Explorer.
Now, it takes some doing to use Windows on iPad. Small screen, so best done with iPad connected to large display (iPad 2). Then, learning touch gestures for editing. I have not done the latter well enough. But I did dictate some text with Dragon Dictate and also PaperPort Notes recently.
But the big deal is browsing with safe Internet Explorer in iPad.
As for Windows 8, it took a long time to load Windows 8 on a Dell 2400. Windows 8 has two main screens, the old desktop and a new tablet screen. I thought the latter looked like adding smartphone features without much substance, mainly games. In some ways Microsoft does not get it. What we all need is for the computer to make things simpler, not ever more bloated system.
The smartphone and tablet do make things simpler. I see them as creating the real future. Most users are coming to the computer from smartphones.
We should not need to buy 500 page books for Windows Word, Excel, etc. The software applications should guide us from the computer itself. The small devices do that.
Now I do use Windows for almost all writing activities, although I use the cloud more, now. I could just as easily avoid both Windows and Mac, and go to Linux or Chromium OSs. I could run a Windows 7 clone in Linux. Still, when small devices will do that job well, I will be happy to shift. For access to all media, only the small device is really needed. Now the small devices are even getting to be able to send screens to large displays (iPad), if screen size is an issue.